such a liar and woe to me

Posting regularly again? Boy, I missed the boat there.

But school's back in session and I will see if I can manage two blogs again. I guess I won't make any promises.

My husband and I took a trip to Bermuda in August and we had a great time: No mid-flights cluster headaches, only some mild soreness and swollen ankles.

I was poised to hit the gym - Jazzercise, specifically - when I was struck down by the flu. Yes, no kidding, 104 degree temp, red eye, aching influenza. I guess it's flu season somewhere, and I brought it back with me.

What followed: Sinus infection, of course, and this ridiculous backache.

It's been nearly a month, and I can't shake it.

I've tried:
  • heat
  • baths
  • ice
  • topical creams
  • tennis balls
  • whining
  • sleeping on back
  • walks
  • tearful pleas for back rubs when my hubby's home
  • aerobics
  • muscle relaxers
  • complaining
  • magnesium
  • prayer
  • fish oil
  • epsom salt baths
  • prescription NSAIDS

Nothing seems to do it. Funny thing is: I'm pretty sure it originated from laying around so much. Or I picture a team of secret op virus strains crawling into my muscles and throwing one hell of a party.

So, I am tossing it out to you, dear readers. I'm a bad bad blogger, here on this site, but if for merciful heavens you have any advice, please. I'm begging...

And I will be so very grateful for some relief.


Did I miss antibiotics? Burmudabugnitis? Am highlighting your blog Monday, maybe you'll get more ideas...
Thank you Diane.

I rested quite a bit this weekend, but it didn't seem to help.


Have you used physical therapy much? I'm going to put a call into my rheumatologist about a referral...

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